Sunday 22 August 2010


Where has the last couple of months gone. Time seems to be a blur to me these days. In my life at the moment there is no start time, finish time, lunch time, holiday time and rest time. Everything seems to be all the time or anytime. I long to have a routine, a start time, a lunch time which can vary I would allow that, finish time and a bed time.

Things have been very busy to the least round here and that's probably mostly my own fault. I have been on a mission to do as many jobs around the house to make things look pretty. Making cushions, painting, starting a quilt for my bed and having a clear out.

Also I been working so hard to build up stock and sort the studio out and I am pleased that I have managed to make great head way in this area yeah!!!

The above picture is from Craft Fest which I attended last weekend. It was the most amazing weekend weather wise.

Off to get a cuppa and some maltesers yum.

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